MUSICA DE Alex Campos

Alex Campos - Sueño De Morir (en ingles)

Letra de Alex Campos - Sueño De Morir (en ingles)
Being close to the moment I met you there
I look at your face and your silence, you know how to learn
slow and hurt your body, you hit the World
mixed blood and tears was your dream to die
did you dream of dying

The sky announces the time and will mark the end
rain wets the suffering, the sky weeps whimper
Father sees his son die, go to your child from there
the day turns into mourning, it was your dream to die
did you dream of dying

Blood and silence was the price was the cost of my life
like to thank not know, I give my life to you
at all times I will be yours, a gift I gave to you
Today was your dream life, your dream of dying

Although not understand the silence to give your life for me
help me pay the price, I would be worthy of you
you are there in heaven, help me to live
that I paid for your debt, you live in my dream
your dream alive in my

Blood and silence was the price was the cost of my life
like to thank not know, I give my life to you
at all times I will be yours, a gift I gave to you
Today was your dream life, your dream of dying

Blood and silence was the price was the cost of my life
Do not know and say thanks, I give my life to you
at all times I will be yours, a gift I gave to you
Today was your dream life, your dream of dying

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