MUSICA DE Alex Campos

Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles)

Letra de Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles)
Say you want to laugh
and I will show you the joy
that smile
is more than a gesture of hypocrisy

tell me you want to sing
and I will show you the melody
more silent than a thousand phrases that are that are lies

tell me what time it is the clock of your short life
I think it's time to give time to the giver of life.

who is the life
which is the path
what is the truth
asked the boy
the big rich
The poor also
everything is written
that all is said
do not know maybe
we are all children
which made heaven
the flower and the fish
there is no life without Him
He is the way
He is the essence

which is the flower without water
How do you grow?
the sky without sun
moonless night
that would be no sea fish
that would be a student teacher
where would a child without a mother
that would be a singer without his voice
What is man without God?
is only a living death
soon need two of them
let Lies

who is the life
which is the path
what is the truth
asked the boy
the big rich
The poor also
everything is written
that all is said
do not know maybe
we are all children
which made heaven
the flower and the fish
there is no life without Him
He is the way
He is the essence

who is the life
which is the path
what is the truth
asked the boy
the big rich
The poor also
everything is written
that all is said
do not know maybe
we are all children
which made heaven
the flower and the fish
there is no life without Him
He is the way
He is the essence

Letra de Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles), Descargar Musica de Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles), Escuchar musica online de Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles), Dime (en ingles) - Alex Campos Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de Alex Campos - Dime (en ingles), free download de Dime (en ingles) - Alex Campos music

Video Oficial de Dime (en ingles) - Alex Campos

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