MUSICA DE Alex Campos

Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles)

Letra de Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles)
I look at the stars, look at the universe, look at the elephant
I look at the dolphin, I look at my face, I look at my nose
I look at it makes me happy Diosite

I look at the stars,
I look at the universe
I look at the elephant
I look at the dolphin
I look at my face
I look at my nose
I look at it makes me happy Diosite

I look at the sky
smiles and sunshine
solecito calientame my sunshine
smiley face look at the moon
moon Lunita alumbrame me.

God created the cow to give milk
I think the sky the sun to live
God I think my eyes to see its beauty
made my mouth to sing today

ants sing along with the elephant
caballito also sings the sings the lion
chicks say pio pio pio pio
and my heart tells ton ton ton

remember when I saw you di
I look at the eyes and told me so
I gave you hands mlas
I gave you I gave you feet to the joy smile

Raised my hands today
lifted my feet today
cry of joy again and again
when I wake up
Also remember
he is with me until my old age.

God created the cow to give milk
I think the sky the sun to live
God I think my eyes to see its beauty
made my mouth to sing today

ants sing along with the elephant
caballito also sings the sings the lion
chicks say pio pio pio pio
and my heart tells ton ton ton.

Letra de Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles), Descargar Musica de Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles), Escuchar musica online de Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles), Dios Creo (en ingles) - Alex Campos Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de Alex Campos - Dios Creo (en ingles), free download de Dios Creo (en ingles) - Alex Campos music

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